Thursday, June 12, 2014

we are all together (work in progress)

As I am trying to come out of the creative funk I recently found myself in, I decided to try some new things. I thought about covering this piece with a ton of clear spray enamel and building a lot more depth into the faces by adding layers. However, instead of grabbing my clear enamel, I grabbed a can of white spray paint. happy accidents!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

We are all together (work in progress)

This painting is 4ft x 4ft. It started off as a experiment with watercolor. It now includes ink and acrylic.

The process here was very organic. I find that I keep heading back to the faces that swirl in mind. They can be questioning. Or sad. Or frustrated. All in all, they represent part of me.

I spent a lot of time creating a gallery of people t0 watch me create this piece. Originally, I was going to try and include them.

And at one point in my work, I thought about leaving the faces as just "suggestions."

More wanted to join.

There personalities came out. And they separated. Well, fractured.

Currently, they are "cooking." I am trying to figure out how to find them.